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For infinity and beyond .
Saturday 18 December 2010

The truth is, I don't feel like updating my blog. Because nobody bothers to help me with my blogskin. I admit, I'm useless when it comes to blogs. However, I will be grateful to you if help is provided. Sigh, no hope.

This song is the addiction!

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special.

Hate to say this, I actually missed Megan, my baby nieceeeeee.

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Friday 17 December 2010
Short post.

Well, i'm going to update a short post for now.

Anyway, I just watched finished Harry Potter 4 & 5. Moving on the last year of Harry Potter, after that I'm going to wait for Dealthly Hallows Pt 1 to be released.

Good news: I'm going to Paragon tonight! With Megan perhaps! :B
Bad news: I'm having a headache, and I feel like watching one more movie. :P
Awesome news: I should be getting my Christmas presents not long for now. ~ :D

One more bad news: I'll keep this post short, and I will probably update when I'm home? :)

Take care, purebloods.

Ascendio! (Just so you know, it means to go up or something.) LOL.

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Thursday 16 December 2010

Movies movies movies, chiong chiong chiong!

For the past two weeks, I've been downloading lots of movies, in bluray format too! The video quality was crystal clear. I downloaded Harry Potter 1-6 Hexalogy. I have to admit, when the trio was young, they are cute.
As they grew older, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and Rupert Grint (Ronald Weasley) became more handsome. Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) became a pretty lady with short hair. Haha/ They changed alot. :)

Next Saturday is Christmas! I'm happy because I can receive presents from my family and friends. I hope I could buy new clothes for Christmas. I cannot go to town because Megan's born and I have to take care of her. I played with her yesterday. But she kept crying. Then I decided to use my pooh bear to play with her. :P

Another picture of Megannnn ~

"Bwahaha, I'm a bandit!"

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Tuesday 14 December 2010
No words to describe.

I was supposed to post this last night. Oops, I did it again. ~

You know what are minions? They are small little yellow things like this:

They have different heights and weight. Some are tall, like the one on the left. Some are short, like the one of the right. Don't they look like jellybeans? :P

I've seen jellybeans in many different colours, but yellow maybe is banana flavour? HAHA. Well, I wouldn't want to eat these minions because they're so cute and they speak in a weird language that you and I don't understand. Besides, these 'jellybeans' can glow in the dark! Cool righttttt. :B

I finally got the movie from my sister, since a month ago. Now I'm finding Harry Potter 1-6, hopefully the pack isn't so big.

I wish I had a million minions. Maybe I could ask that from santa? Hehehehehe.
Alright, I'm going to watch tron legacy next monday, awesomeeee!

Another picture for ya!

Doesn't she look adorable?! :D I mean her actions are expressions are so cute and funny, like this picture. "Does this count as annoying?" -makes her cheeks with her hands-

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Sunday 12 December 2010
I choose you, Pikachu!

I download lots of Korean songs, from Beast, U-Kiss, Se7en, SM Ballad and many many more.

All thanks to Charmaine and Siti, which is my junior. They are both madly in love with those boy bands. Got to take my hat off of them.

Please tell me I won't be like one of them, crazy over kpop like some gugu gaga. :(
I still prefer English pop/rock ley. Howwwww. :@

Waitwait, why am I getting angry for nothing? LOL. Haha. Great, i'm laughing at myself now. :( I better pray hard I don't go gaga over kpop when school starts.

Maybe it's time to be in the Christmas fever! (Come on people, where's my Christmas present? My wishlist is super duper long yknowwwwwww. ~)

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Saturday 11 December 2010

I kinda like this motion, Salute. It looks so cute. :) And the hand shake so long that it looks like it's smacking its own head. :P

I have nothing to post because it was so boring because some of my friends went to Malaysia. :( Without them, I couldn't be as hyper like the start of the holidays.

Ohyah, I went to Youtube to find some Spongebob/Patrick videos. Haha, my childhood is really nothing without those two. I enjoyed watching their shows because it never failed to put a smile to my face. :)

I like Patrick's retardedness, Spongebob's happy-go-lucky attitude, Squidward's grumpy attitude and Mr Krabb's money-faced. :P

One Spongebob's quote inspired me, but I forgot which is it. :\

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Friday 10 December 2010
I've got the magic in me!

I've been posting loads of English/Korean videos on my Facebook wall. (Happy to listen to some old songs.)

Hope I'm not flooding your wall feeds. :(

I have nothing much to post for today. But I had this negative feeling that nobody cares about me. I should be more positive. :)

Oh gosh, I like the geek specs he's wearing. I think I bought the similar too, but it's not glossy. :(
Maybe when I can get rid of current specs with degrees first? :P

Alright I'm gonna end here.

(Wait a minute, didn't I update this morning, like 12am last night? LOL.) 

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Once bitten, twice shy.

Very late good evening to you! :P

I forgot to blog this afternoon, so I'm going to do a short one now, it's midnight, which means it's the first few minutes of 10th December.

I had a bad stomachache since two days ago. :( I think it's because of the sweet peanuts I ate while watching Rapunzel. My sweet tooth made my stomach go bad, and this morning I had to do my business twice. :(

Gosh, nobody cares about me. :(

Countdown to Christmas: 15 days.

Considered a short post right? :P

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Wednesday 8 December 2010
Mr. Stomach, please get well soon.

Oh oh oh, my stomach is hurting. :( It's like cramps.

I think I ate too much while watching Rapunzel today. It's a great movie, touching scenes and pretty cool animations. I like Pascal, the chameleon, it can just camouflage to it's surroundings.

Awesome huh. :) I just reblogged a picture of Pascal wearing a dress in tumblr. HAHA, it's so cute. :B

Anyway, today was a fun day. I think I will be watching Tron Legacy/Narnia/Yogi Bear. Wonder which should I watch? :)

Signing off, sigh. My stomach still hurts, dang.

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. -John Lennon.

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Tuesday 7 December 2010
Now or never.

Here to revive this lousy blog. :(

There's a patch from 9.30am to 3.30pm for Audition.

But there are alot of new things, includes couple shop and Christmas sales (all of us have been waiting for this! :D) 

Currently, I'm at Megan's house. Another picture of her!

She look so chubby. ^_^

Alright, time to spam somebody's facebook wall.

All I can say that facebook's new profile update has cool things, but the layout is weird.

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Thursday 2 December 2010

This is Megan. Do you think she's cute? I mean, she's crying in this photo ^ Aiyo, poor thing.

I have 300+ photos of her, taken by our photographer, my two sisters. Megan's every little action and expression is taken. She's a heavy baby too.

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Wednesday 1 December 2010
Jingle bells.

It's almost the end of the first day of Decemeber.

December is the month where we celebrate Christmas, and we could get Christmas presents from your family members! 

Hope to get some clothes. :B

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Friday 29 October 2010
Memories of 2010.

One class that captured my attention is 3C, because the class spirit is strong. Although many things had happened for the past 10 months, there was one event that happened last Thursday. It was the war games that was introduced last year. Only 20 over of us came to support our class. And we managed to get the sixth prize, best structure.
At the start of 2010, I met new friends from 2C.Did I mention that 3C is made up of 2B + 2C? In 2009, we did not talk to each other. Hence, I did not know anybody from 2C. It was hard for me to adapt when I got into 3C as I had problems communicating with them. For the first few months of 2010, I only hang out with my friends from 2B, but people do change. Some left, some came. I made new friends along the way, some from 2C. Although I faced many problems, I overcame them with the help of my new friends.  

There was a quote that goes, "They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but an entire lifetime to forget them."

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D

Thursday 28 October 2010

First post to revive!

Timmy timmy TIMMY ! :D


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is my name.
15, 23rd January is when I receive presents.
Schooling at Jurong Secondary.






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